So while I was in Warni I got a few little things to spoil myself.
Here are two reviews on some things I brought.
Concealer is my best friend.
Hence why I get SOO frustrated when I have to buy the two types, and they NEVER match exactly. And I can also end up spending around $30 just for a good liquid concealer and a good stick concealer.
I haven't been able to afford much lately, which is why I looked for a good cheapy.
I was so surprised to find this little stick of joy at Kmart, because it has both stick and liquid in one!!!
The liquid isn't a heavy coverage, but isn't too light of coverage either. That suited my personal taste just fine as I use liquid around my eyes only. If it's too heavy, I just look strange... And if it's too light, I still have bags!!!
The stick concealer is also a very creamy stick. Good for covering up my pimples!
This would have to be my #1 Concealer Duo, that's under $10 !!
9.5/10 xx
This is my new handbag from Strandbags in Warni !
It is a bluebird handbag, which is my favorite brand for bags and purses !
I got it for $19 so it was an absolute bargain!
I love my new bag. :)
I suggest everyone to check out the Bluebird range on the Strandbags website!! :)