Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Np Set Memory Foundation !

You may have seen this product on our Facebook Page.
This is the foundation we use at TAFE.
Let me make this VERY clear to everyone that reads this. NP Set Foundation is of lightweight coverage, as in it's a tinted moisturizer! I wouldn't recommend this to anyone with fair skin, as it have a yellow note to it, so it would look like a mask on people with pale skin.

This product works best when teamed with primers, concealer and pressed powder. So be sure to do that if you wear the product. I don't recommend this to anyone with red zone's and a lot of pimples. You should opt for a more heavyweight coverage if you have bad problems with your skin.

Personally, I wear a set 2, and the average skin tone would be set 1. This line doesn't really cater for fair skin, but does cater for darker skinned women.
I give the product a 9/10. I love it, but have noticed the product is misleading to the general public, as most consider it to be heavyweight foundation.
Hope you enjoyed my review!

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